PDC4S:\2018-2\Joe Dispenza - Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself |
Up one directory... |
1-01 Breaking the Habit of Being You.mp3 | 638 KB | 6/8/2019 2:34 PM |
1-02 Introduction_ The Greatest Habi.mp3 | 7,871 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
1-03 Philosopher to Initiate to a Ma.mp3 | 5,784 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
1-04 Change as a Choice, Instead of.mp3 | 4,064 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
1-05 Part I_ The Science of You (Dis.mp3 | 7,058 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
1-06 Part II_ Your Brain and Meditai.mp3 | 5,037 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
1-07 Part III_ Stepping Toward Your.mp3 | 8,556 KB | 6/8/2019 2:35 PM |
10-01 Chapter Twelve_ Dismantle The Mem.mp3 | 9,258 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
10-02 Observing_ Becoming Conscious Of.mp3 | 6,191 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
10-03 Reminding_ Recall The Aspects Of.mp3 | 3,493 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
10-04 Step 6_ Redirecting (Breaking The.mp3 | 6,583 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
10-05 Associative Memories Trigger Auto.mp3 | 9,169 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
10-06 Week Three Guide To Meditation (B.mp3 | 2,122 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
10-07 Chapter Thirteen_ Create A New Mi.mp3 | 10,551 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
10-08 Creating_ Use Imagination And Inv.mp3 | 4,930 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
10-09 Rehearsing_ Memorize The New You.mp3 | 8,126 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
10-10 Becoming Very Familiar With The N.mp3 | 10,006 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
10-11 Creating A New Destiny (Breaking.mp3 | 6,406 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
10-12 Guided Mental Rehearsal Meditatio.mp3 | 4,245 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
10-13 Creating Your New Destiny (Breaki.mp3 | 3,388 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
10-14 Week 4 Guide To Meditation (Break.mp3 | 7,738 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
10-15 Advance Your Understanding Even M.mp3 | 1,942 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
11-01 Chapter Fourteen_ Demonstratin.mp3 | 7,901 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
11-02 Looking Forward To Feedback (B.mp3 | 3,923 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
11-03 Demonstrate The New-You Plan I.mp3 | 1,405 KB | 6/8/2019 2:34 PM |
11-04 End-of-the-Day Questions (Brea.mp3 | 2,194 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
11-05 Being Transparent_ Going From.mp3 | 5,081 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
11-06 There Will Come A Moment... (B.mp3 | 4,983 KB | 6/8/2019 2:35 PM |
11-07 Ending Daily Meditation (Break.mp3 | 3,507 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
11-08 The Ultimate Experiment (Break.mp3 | 3,315 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
11-09 Afterword_ Inhabit Self (Break.mp3 | 4,107 KB | 6/8/2019 2:35 PM |
11-10 How To Find Our True Self (Bre.mp3 | 8,204 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
11-11 Time To Wake Up (Breaking The.mp3 | 3,440 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
11-12 More Information (Breaking The.mp3 | 872 KB | 6/8/2019 2:34 PM |
2-01 Part I_ The Science of You - Ch.mp3 | 6,965 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
2-02 To Change Your Life, Change You.mp3 | 3,270 KB | 6/8/2019 2:35 PM |
2-03 Always Matter, Never Mind_ Alwa.mp3 | 8,798 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
2-04 The Solid Ground We Stand On....mp3 | 1,420 KB | 6/8/2019 2:34 PM |
2-05 The Quantum Atom (Disc 2-Chapte.mp3 | 898 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
2-06 Another Puzzle_ Subatomic Parti.mp3 | 3,520 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
2-07 The Creation of Reality_ Energy.mp3 | 5,675 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
2-08 An Infinite Number of Possible.mp3 | 5,713 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
2-09 Weird Science_ Can We Affect th.mp3 | 4,759 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
2-10 Our State of Being or State of.mp3 | 1,461 KB | 6/8/2019 2:34 PM |
2-11 Thoughts Plus Feelings Produce.mp3 | 6,224 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
2-12 Thoughts and Feelings_ Broadcas.mp3 | 2,423 KB | 6/8/2019 2:34 PM |
2-13 To Experience Change, Observe a.mp3 | 3,403 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
2-14 Change Requires Coherence_ Alig.mp3 | 6,942 KB | 6/8/2019 2:35 PM |
2-15 Quantum Creating_ Giving Thanks.mp3 | 3,709 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
2-16 Universal Intelligence and the.mp3 | 6,060 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
2-17 As an Extension of This Intelli.mp3 | 8,871 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
2-18 Quantum Physics Is _Non-sense_.mp3 | 4,678 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
2-19 Going Beyond Space and Time (Di.mp3 | 7,442 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
2-20 And a Child Shall Lead Them (Di.mp3 | 9,094 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
3-01 Chapter Two_ Overcoming Your En.mp3 | 6,215 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
3-02 Our Memories Make Up Our Intern.mp3 | 4,208 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
3-03 Familiar Memories _Re-mind_ Us.mp3 | 8,898 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
3-04 Hardwired to Hard Times (Disc 3.mp3 | 7,380 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
3-05 Greatness Is Holding Fast to a.mp3 | 4,606 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
3-06 History's Giants_ Why Their Dre.mp3 | 3,787 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
3-07 Mental Rehearsal_ How Our Thoug.mp3 | 3,049 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
3-08 Four Elements We All Use to Cha.mp3 | 3,857 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
3-09 Neurological Change Can Take Pl.mp3 | 4,199 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
4-01 Chapter 3-Overcoming Your Body.mp3 | 2,556 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
4-02 Neurotransmitters, Neuropeptide.mp3 | 3,437 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
4-03 Ligands And The Thinking And Fe.mp3 | 4,423 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
4-04 The Continuous Cycle Creates A.mp3 | 7,911 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
4-05 Does Your Mind Control Your Bod.mp3 | 6,004 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
4-06 Often We Only Appear To Be Awak.mp3 | 10,896 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
4-07 Guilty Until Proven Innocent.mp3 | 7,958 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
4-08 Your Brain Has Programmed Your.mp3 | 8,795 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
4-09 Help Is Only A Thought Away.mp3 | 4,756 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
4-10 Memorized Feelings Limit Us To.mp3 | 9,376 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
4-11 Controlling Our Inner Environme.mp3 | 6,112 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
4-12 Genes-Memories Of The Past Envi.mp3 | 8,593 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
4-13 Perpetuating Old States Of Bein.mp3 | 5,947 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
4-14 Can Elevated States Of Mind Pro.mp3 | 6,329 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
4-15 Changing Your Body-Why Lift A F.mp3 | 6,762 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
5-01 Chapter Four_ Overcoming Time (.mp3 | 3,450 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
5-02 Memorizing Emotions (Breaking T.mp3 | 11,281 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
5-03 We Can't Change When Living In.mp3 | 6,916 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
5-04 Living In The Past, Which Is Yo.mp3 | 10,591 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
5-05 Chapter Five_ Surviva Vs. Creat.mp3 | 10,124 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
5-06 Thought Alone Can Trigger The H.mp3 | 10,341 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
5-07 Survival_ Living As A _Somebody.mp3 | 11,688 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
5-08 If Our Thoughts Can Make Us Sic.mp3 | 11,361 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
5-09 Creation_ Living As A _Nobody_.mp3 | 4,846 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
5-10 1. Metagognition_ Becoming Self.mp3 | 6,076 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
5-11 2. Creatinga A New Mind To Thin.mp3 | 4,663 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
5-12 3. Making Thought More Real Tha.mp3 | 4,164 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
5-13 Lose Your Mind, Liberate Your E.mp3 | 3,046 KB | 6/8/2019 2:35 PM |
5-14 Lose Your Mind, Liberate Your E.mp3 | 5,687 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
6-01 Part II_ Your Brain And Meditat.mp3 | 10,749 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
6-02 From Thinking To Doing_ The Neo.mp3 | 3,643 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
6-03 From New Events To New Emotions.mp3 | 6,237 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
6-04 From Thinking And Doing To Bein.mp3 | 5,505 KB | 6/8/2019 2:35 PM |
6-05 A Real Life Example Of The Thre.mp3 | 12,564 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
6-06 Two Brains Have Taken You From.mp3 | 7,545 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
6-07 Going From Thinking Straight To.mp3 | 11,125 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
6-08 Going From Thinking Straight To.mp3 | 12,376 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
7-01 Chapter Seven_ The Gap (Breakin.mp3 | 6,172 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
7-02 The Identity Gap (Breaking The.mp3 | 2,969 KB | 6/8/2019 2:35 PM |
7-03 The Layers Of Emotion We Memori.mp3 | 10,213 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
7-04 Midlife_ A Series Of Strategies.mp3 | 14,762 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
7-05 Emotional Bonds (Breaking The H.mp3 | 9,483 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
7-06 It Always Takes More And More (.mp3 | 16,098 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
7-07 Side Effects Of Closing The Gap.mp3 | 4,171 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
7-08 Closing The Gap (Breaking The H.mp3 | 11,007 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
7-09 By Moving Out Of The Past, We C.mp3 | 6,747 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
7-10 How My Transformaton Began...An.mp3 | 7,289 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
8-01 Chapter Eight_ Meditation, Demy.mp3 | 7,931 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
8-02 Decide To Stop Being The Old Yo.mp3 | 4,863 KB | 6/8/2019 2:35 PM |
8-03 Contemplate A New, Greater Expr.mp3 | 6,173 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
8-04 A Second Definition Of Meditati.mp3 | 5,969 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
8-05 The Meditative Process For Chan.mp3 | 5,227 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
8-06 The Waves Of Your Future (Break.mp3 | 9,177 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
8-07 Brainn Wave States In Adults_ A.mp3 | 5,652 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
8-08 Three Levels Of Beta Waves Gove.mp3 | 3,848 KB | 6/8/2019 2:35 PM |
8-09 High Beta_ A SHort-Term Surviva.mp3 | 8,681 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
8-10 Sustained High Beta Makes It Hr.mp3 | 5,480 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
8-11 High Beta's Incoherent Signals.mp3 | 3,746 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
8-12 Awareness, Not Analysis, Permit.mp3 | 2,795 KB | 6/8/2019 2:35 PM |
8-13 The Developing Mind (Breaking T.mp3 | 1,786 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
8-14 Meditation Takes Us Beyond Anal.mp3 | 2,069 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
8-15 The Conscious Mind And The Subc.mp3 | 997 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
8-16 Meditation-Getting Beyond The A.mp3 | 1,181 KB | 6/8/2019 2:35 PM |
8-17 Meditation Takes Us From Beta I.mp3 | 8,417 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
8-18 Taking Control Of The Progressi.mp3 | 5,371 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
8-19 The Coherent Brain Set The Stag.mp3 | 12,751 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
8-20 The Coherent Brain_ Takin' It T.mp3 | 7,846 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
9-01 Chapter Nine_ The Meditative Pr.mp3 | 10,002 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
9-02 Suggested Four-Week Program (Br.mp3 | 3,840 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
9-03 Preparation (Breaking The Habit.mp3 | 10,316 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
9-04 Making Time To Meditate (Breaki.mp3 | 6,576 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
9-05 Chapter Ten_ Open The Door To Y.mp3 | 2,797 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
9-06 Step 1_ Induction (Breaking The.mp3 | 6,894 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
9-07 Body-Part Induction_ The How-To.mp3 | 3,984 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
9-08 Water Rising Induction (Breakin.mp3 | 1,268 KB | 6/8/2019 2:33 PM |
9-09 Week One Guide To Meditation (B.mp3 | 2,023 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
9-10 Chapter Eleven_ Prune Away The.mp3 | 1,072 KB | 6/8/2019 2:35 PM |
9-11 Step 2_ Recognizing (Breaking T.mp3 | 4,991 KB | 6/8/2019 2:35 PM |
9-12 Begin Your Own Life Review (Bre.mp3 | 1,943 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
9-13 Choose An Emotion To Unmemorize.mp3 | 5,640 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
9-14 Observe How The Unwanted Emotio.mp3 | 4,740 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
9-15 Define The State Of Mind Associ.mp3 | 4,997 KB | 6/8/2019 2:36 PM |
9-16 Step 3_ Admitting And Declaring.mp3 | 10,950 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
9-17 Declaring_ Outwardly Acknowledg.mp3 | 9,097 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
9-18 Step 4_ Surrendering (Breaking.mp3 | 13,213 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
9-19 Prepare To Surrender (Breaking.mp3 | 5,355 KB | 6/8/2019 2:37 PM |
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - Illustrations.pdf.XML | 2,397 KB | 6/8/2019 2:32 PM |
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself.epub.XML | 1,717 KB | 6/8/2019 2:32 PM |
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself.pdf.XML | 2,403 KB | 6/8/2019 2:32 PM |