PDC4S:\Books 2\Reading List (TONS of Books)\3. Gaining and Maintaining Power - The Official Reading List\Marketing

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Brainfluence - 100 Ways to Persuade and Convince Consumers with Neuromarketing - Roger Dooley (2011).epub440 KB7/3/2023 8:02 AM
Brandwashed - Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate Our Minds and Persuade Us to Buy - Martin Lindstrom (2011).epub2,727 KB7/3/2023 8:02 AM
Contagious - Why Things Catch On - Jonah Berger (2013).pdf134,732 KB7/3/2023 8:02 AM
How to Write a Good Advertisement - Victor O. Schwab (1985).pdf13,161 KB7/3/2023 8:02 AM
Impossible to Ignore - Creating Memorable Content to Influence Decisions - Carmen Simon (2016).epub3,987 KB7/3/2023 8:02 AM
Made to Stick - Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die - Chip & Dan Heath (2007).pdf922 KB7/3/2023 8:02 AM
Monster Loyalty - How Lady Gaga turns followers into fanatics - Jackie Huba (2013).epub2,796 KB7/3/2023 8:02 AM
Priceless - The Myth of Fair Value - William Poundstone (2010).epub685 KB7/3/2023 8:02 AM
Purple Cow - Transform Your Business - Being Remarkable - Seth Godin (2003).pdf1,872 KB7/3/2023 8:02 AM
The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing - Al Ries & Jack Trout (1994).pdf3,364 KB7/3/2023 8:02 AM
The Big Con - The Story of the Confidence Man - David Maurer (1940).epub403 KB7/3/2023 8:02 AM
The One Sentence Persuasion Course - 27 Words to Make the World Do Your Bidding - Blair Warren (2012).epub127 KB7/3/2023 8:02 AM
The Secret of Selling Anything - Harry Browne (2014).pdf592 KB7/3/2023 8:02 AM
Unlabel - Selling You Without Selling Out - Marc Ecko (2013).epub45,750 KB7/3/2023 8:02 AM