PDC4S:\Marketing Courses\Nathan Hirsch and Connor Gillivan - Cracking The VA Code\_Nathan Hirsch and Connor Gillivan - Cracking The VA Code Update |
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08-How to Set Up a Working Schedule | | 2/25/2022 11:28 PM |
09-How to Deal with Internet Issues, Power Outages, and Disappearing VAs | | 2/25/2022 11:28 PM |
10-Setting Up Communication Tactics-Setting Up Communication Tactics | | 2/25/2022 11:28 PM |
11-Create the Right Company Culture for VAs | | 2/25/2022 11:28 PM |
12-Section 3 Conclusion | | 2/25/2022 11:28 PM |
13-SECTION 4- TRAINING (SSS TECHINIQUE) | | 2/25/2022 11:28 PM |
14-Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) | | 2/25/2022 11:28 PM |
15-How to Train with a SOP | | 2/25/2022 11:28 PM |
18-Weekly Management Strategies | | 2/25/2022 11:28 PM |
20-Handling Bonuses and Raises | | 2/25/2022 11:28 PM |
22-How to Scale your VA Team | | 2/25/2022 11:28 PM |
24-Hot Keys Cheat Sheet | | 2/25/2022 11:28 PM |