TC4S:\2020\Linda Raschke 2020 Workshop - Classic Trading Tactics - Theory and Practice_\A. Workshop Files\LBR Workshop Documents-Links -1 (3-3-20)

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NameSizeDate Modified
Using Taylor Trading Technique.pdf2,027 KB1/28/2020 7:18 PM
Training the Elite Trader -2-3-20.pdf109 KB2/3/2020 5:44 PM
Trade Management.pdf3,905 KB1/31/2020 8:17 PM
Peter Brandt MTA Journal Article -5-1989.pdf1,970 KB1/16/2020 8:09 PM
Paul Tudor Jones Risk Manual -2-3-20.pdf859 KB2/3/2020 5:44 PM
Auction Market Theory and Technical Analysis.pdf1,433 KB1/30/2020 12:10 PM
`LBR Shared Links.txt1 KB1/31/2020 8:20 AM