TC4S:\2021_2\Set & Forget - supply and demand trading by Alfonso Moreno\8
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Date Modified
Tradable versus non tradable supply and demand zones [720p].mp4
41,348 KB
2/9/2015 10:37 PM
How to validate and score a level - Supply and Demand Forex Trading Strategy.html
142 KB
2/9/2015 10:35 PM
9 Risk reward provided by the potential imbalance [720p].mp4
20,681 KB
2/9/2015 10:36 PM
8 What has a level accomplished [720p].mp4
34,356 KB
2/9/2015 10:37 PM
6 Arrival at the level [720p].mp4
88,728 KB
2/9/2015 10:43 PM
3 Freshness of level of imbalance [720p].mp4
24,340 KB
2/9/2015 10:37 PM
2. Profit margin [720p].mp4
45,053 KB
2/9/2015 10:38 PM
10 OCHL candle consolidating away from the imbalance [720p].mp4
24,305 KB
2/9/2015 10:37 PM
1. Departure, strength of the move [720p].mp4
34,165 KB
2/9/2015 10:37 PM
How to validate and score a level - Supply and Demand Forex Trading Strategy_files
1/13/2022 1:05 PM