TC4S:\2022\Sasha Evdakov - Options Mastery #2 Verticals Spread V2 ( $499_\01-Introduction to the Vertical Spreads Course

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NameSizeDate Modified
4-3 Parts to an Option Portfolio & Constructing Your Inventory.mp4334,748 KB11/11/2022 1:03 AM
3-Think Like a Trader, Words of Wisdom, & Why People Fail with Options.mp4324,894 KB11/11/2022 1:03 AM
2 Things to Consider Before Opening a Brokerage Account.mp4168,628 KB11/11/2022 1:03 AM
1-Tools, Platforms, Brokers, Computers, and Internet Speed.mp4248,101 KB11/11/2022 1:02 AM