TC4S:\2022_3\Blue Edge Financial - Edge Trading Academy 2021\3. Edge Trading Academy\1. Module #1 _ Introduction to Forex

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NameSizeDate Modified
Pip Cheat Sheet.pdf260 KB9/22/2021 2:29 PM
Common Pairs Cheat Sheet.pdf451 KB9/22/2021 2:29 PM
7. Pips, Lots _ Leverage.mp4109,987 KB9/22/2021 2:29 PM
6. When to Buy or Sell Currency Pair.mp465,602 KB9/22/2021 2:29 PM
5. How Money is Made.mp450,988 KB9/22/2021 2:29 PM
4. The Largest Financial Market.mp434,875 KB9/22/2021 2:29 PM
3. Currency Pairs _ Trading.mp424,430 KB9/22/2021 2:29 PM
2. What is Traded in Forex_.mp428,045 KB9/22/2021 2:29 PM
1. What is Forex_.mp452,384 KB9/22/2021 2:29 PM