TC4S:\2022_3\HunterFX Most Woke Trading Methods\2. Pre - Knowledge\2. Where Could Price Change Trend

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NameSizeDate Modified
6. How To Spot Liqudity.mp4264,200 KB3/19/2021 6:56 AM
5. More On Resting Limit Orders Areas.mp4262,098 KB3/19/2021 6:53 AM
4. Supply _ Demand Zones 2.mp4563,264 KB3/19/2021 6:52 AM
3. Supply _ Demand Zones 1.mp4354,515 KB3/19/2021 6:53 AM
2. Where Are The Resting Orders 2.mp4396,287 KB3/19/2021 6:54 AM
1. Where Are The Resting Orders 1.mp4211,639 KB3/19/2021 6:55 AM