TC4S:\2022_3\Market Fluidity - Unlearn and Relearn\9 Simulations
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Date Modified
8 Simulation Gold - Basics to 1800.mp4
251,504 KB
8/11/2020 8:59 PM
7 Refresher - Impulse Entries _ Risk Management.mp4
278,827 KB
7/27/2020 3:08 AM
6 Refresher - Identifying Trend Trades with Rules.mp4
510,043 KB
8/11/2020 8:59 PM
5 Backtesting NFP 2018.mp4
623,691 KB
8/11/2020 8:59 PM
4 Refresher - Candle Volumes - Market Fluidity.mp4
619,747 KB
8/11/2020 8:59 PM
3 Refresher 13th June (Simulation).mp4
374,817 KB
7/27/2020 1:02 AM
2 Forex 101 - Minibootcamp (Oct 2017).mp4
478,454 KB
8/11/2020 8:59 PM
1 Q _ A - Simulation.mp4
540,254 KB
7/26/2020 11:57 PM