TC4S:\2022_3\The Swag Academy - The FOREX Blueprint\4. FOREX Blueprint\1. Foundation On How I Personally Trade

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NameSizeDate Modified
7. Important Lot Sizes While Trading (Video 7_90).mp4151,861 KB3/13/2021 4:14 PM
6. Advanced Risk-To-Reward Ratio Concept (Video 6_90).mp4168,915 KB3/13/2021 4:12 PM
5. Getting Better Entries Part 2 (Video 5_90).mp4243,255 KB3/13/2021 4:11 PM
4, Getting Better Entries (Video 4_90).mp4286,195 KB3/13/2021 4:12 PM
3. My Strategy Top-To-Bottom (Video 3_90).mp4169,244 KB3/13/2021 4:13 PM
2. Trading The Break of Trendlines (Video 2_90).mp4125,993 KB3/13/2021 4:13 PM
1. Trading With Psychological Levels (Video 1_90).mp4190,239 KB3/13/2021 4:12 PM
Videos Course Description3/25/2022 11:40 PM