TC4S:\2023\The MissionFX Compounding Course\3. The Momentum Compounding System (NEW)
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Date Modified
1. The Momentum Strategy.mp4
742,200 KB
9/15/2022 3:19 PM
2. Live Trading Recap.mp4
106,657 KB
9/15/2022 3:16 PM
3. Backtest 1 ($1,000 To $2,500).mp4
706,620 KB
9/15/2022 3:19 PM
4. Backtest 2 ($1,000 To $3,000).mp4
1,098,853 KB
9/15/2022 3:21 PM
5. Backtest 3 (Having Fun, Focusing On Trade Quality) .mp4
405,812 KB
9/15/2022 3:20 PM