TC4S:\2023_CSMD\Investopedia - Research And Trade Like The Pros\2 - Currency Analysis\SCORM 1

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NameSizeDate Modified
SCORM 1.9 - Resources12/21/2019 9:11 AM
SCORM 1.8 - Scorecard Review12/21/2019 9:11 AM
SCORM 1.7 - Inflation (% YoY)12/21/2019 9:11 AM
SCORM 1.6 - Interest Rate (%)12/21/2019 9:11 AM
SCORM 1.5 - Real GBP (% YoY)12/21/2019 9:11 AM
SCORM 1.4 - Retail Sales12/21/2019 9:11 AM
SCORM 1.3 - Unemployment Rate (%)12/21/2019 9:11 AM
SCORM 1.2 - Current Account (% of GBP)12/21/2019 9:11 AM
SCORM 1.1 - Industrial Production (YoY)12/21/2019 9:11 AM