TC4S:\2023_ICTLC\Gene Full Course\Team Resources\Commentaries\2023 Commentary\FEBRUARY

Up one directory...
NameSizeDate Modified
010223_ FOMC.mp41,017,556 KB2/2/2023 7:24 AM
020223_ Evening Commentary.mp4498,263 KB2/2/2023 2:05 PM
060223_ Weekly Prep.mp4575,535 KB2/6/2023 4:30 PM
070223_ Evening Commentary.mp4416,792 KB2/7/2023 3:34 PM
070223_ NY Live.mp4695,946 KB2/7/2023 3:27 PM
080223_ Evening Recap.mp4499,821 KB2/8/2023 3:03 PM
090223_ Evening Commentary.mp4387,607 KB2/9/2023 3:41 PM
090223_ NY Live.mp41,046,677 KB2/9/2023 9:39 AM
130223_ Weekly Prep.mp4451,499 KB2/13/2023 3:05 PM
140223_ Evening Commentary.mp4377,247 KB2/14/2023 3:02 PM
140223_ NY Live.mp41,280,726 KB2/14/2023 2:54 PM
150223_ NY Live.mkv838,568 KB2/16/2023 8:08 AM
160223_ NY Live + QnA.mp41,776,057 KB2/16/2023 8:08 AM
160223_ Thursday Presentation.mp41,176,904 KB2/16/2023 2:50 PM
210223_ Evening Commentary Pre-FOMC.mp4235,186 KB2/21/2023 2:21 PM
210223_ NY Live- Managing losses, dealing with expectations.mp41,433,317 KB2/21/2023 1:36 PM
230223_ Seek and destroy evening comm.mp4255,196 KB2/23/2023 2:16 PM
260223_ Weekly Recap + Inversion Levels.mp4961,135 KB2/25/2023 4:27 PM
270223_ AUD.mp4432,622 KB2/27/2023 3:22 PM
270223_ Weekly Prep.mp4367,327 KB2/27/2023 4:17 PM
Pyramids _ MM Order Stacking.mp4720,341 KB2/11/2023 9:18 AM