TC4S:\B\Breakout Strategies Masterclass_\Courses\Module 2 Prototype
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Date Modified
6.Lesson 6 Practical example
7/14/2020 8:50 PM
5.Lesson 5 5 simple steps to start prototyping in minutes
7/14/2020 8:50 PM
4.Lesson 4 Getting prepared for BOS automated prototyping
7/14/2020 8:50 PM
3.Lesson 3 Automated Design & Prototyping with BOS Smart Code
7/14/2020 8:50 PM
2.Lesson 2 Saving thousands of hours with automation
7/14/2020 8:49 PM
1.Lesson 1 Common approaches to prototyping strategies
7/14/2020 8:49 PM
7/14/2020 8:49 PM