TC4S:\M\Malcolm Robinson (\Malcolm Robinson - DayTrading Futures - Manual + Software\Psychology

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NameSizeDate Modified
How To Lose Money.doc24 KB4/6/2005 2:00 AM
Lost in Loss.doc26 KB4/6/2005 2:00 AM
Responsibility in Trading.doc26 KB4/6/2005 2:00 AM
Scared money never wins.doc25 KB4/6/2005 2:00 AM
Should I Stay or Should I Go.doc23 KB4/6/2005 2:00 AM
Stopping Yourself.doc23 KB4/6/2005 2:00 AM
The Evolution of a Trader and the Lure of the Holy Grail Part I.doc36 KB4/6/2005 2:00 AM
The Evolution of a Trader and the Lure of the Holy Grail Part II.doc26 KB4/6/2005 2:00 AM
The Mastery Of Self.doc26 KB4/6/2005 2:00 AM
What I learnt losing.doc28 KB4/6/2005 2:00 AM