TC4S:\More Trading Courses\George S.Moore - Introduction to the Practice of Statistics (93 MB)\IPS4e\content\applets\icons

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NameSizeDate Modified
anova.gif2 KB4/11/2002 9:38 PM
confidenceinterval.gif4 KB4/11/2002 8:26 PM
correlationregression.gif3 KB4/11/2002 8:00 PM
expectedvalue.gif4 KB4/11/2002 7:51 PM
histogram.gif4 KB4/12/2002 1:40 AM
meanmedian.gif1 KB1/31/2000 12:46 AM
normalcurve.gif3 KB4/11/2002 7:46 PM
probability.gif4 KB4/11/2002 8:32 PM
randomsample.gif4 KB4/11/2002 8:40 PM
testsignificance.gif4 KB4/11/2002 8:14 PM
twoAsset.gif3 KB12/26/2001 11:02 PM
twoVarCalc.gif4 KB4/12/2002 2:44 AM