TC4S:\More Trading Courses\_Abstracts and Misc. Articles\The Econometrics Journal
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Date Modified
Modelling phase shifts among stochastic cycles.pdf
203 KB
10/22/2005 1:43 PM
Improving on 'Data mining reconsidered' by K.D. Hoover and S.J. Perez.pdf
136 KB
10/22/2005 1:36 PM
Forecasting with difference-stationary and trend-stationary models.pdf
3,790 KB
10/22/2005 2:59 PM
Exploring economic time series a Bayesian graphical approach.pdf
183 KB
10/22/2005 1:41 PM
Distinguishing between trend-break models method and empirical evidence.pdf
141 KB
10/22/2005 1:37 PM
Controlling the significance levels of prediction error tests for linear regression models.pdf
307 KB
10/22/2005 1:50 PM
BUGS for a Bayesian analysis of stochastic volatility models.pdf
1,271 KB
10/22/2005 2:40 PM