TC4S:\More Trading Courses\_Abstracts and Misc. Articles\The Economic Journal
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Why Does the Yield Curve Predict Output and Inflation.pdf
227 KB
10/22/2005 1:45 PM
The Target Zone Model, Non-Linearity and Mean Reversion is the Honeymoon Really Over.pdf
307 KB
10/22/2005 1:50 PM
Seasonality, Stock Returns and the Macroeconomy.pdf
183 KB
10/22/2005 1:41 PM
Methodical Madness Technical Analysis and the Irrationality of Exchange-rate Forecasts.pdf
266 KB
10/22/2005 1:47 PM
Memory and Anticipation.pdf
252 KB
10/22/2005 1:46 PM
Does Detrending Matter For the Determination of the Reference Cycle and the Selection of Turning Points.pdf
523 KB
10/22/2005 2:04 PM
Computability and Evolutionary Complexity Markets as Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS).pdf
433 KB
10/22/2005 2:00 PM
Asset Pricing under Asymmetric Information Bubbles, Crashes, Technical Analysis, and Herding.pdf
242 KB
10/22/2005 1:45 PM
A Recursive Modelling Approach to Predicting UK Stock Returns.pdf
807 KB
10/22/2005 2:13 PM
A Markup Interpretation of Optimal Investment Rules.pdf
271 KB
10/22/2005 1:47 PM