TC4S:\Trading Books\_New 04\Astrology Books\Astro West Medieval mixed topics\1627 John Gadbury
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Book 1876 John Gadbury Ephemerides of the Celestial Motions and Aspects, Eclipses of the Luminaries.pdf
9,889 KB
7/5/2018 5:44 PM
Book 1682 John Gadbury Works of Wharton philosopher and astronomer.pdf
15,181 KB
5/18/2016 8:17 PM
Book 1658 John Gadbury Doctrine of Nativities and horary.pdf
24,886 KB
10/11/2016 4:19 PM
Book 1654 John Gadbury Horned beast.pdf
1,771 KB
4/26/2016 12:08 AM