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Yojanas_Meru is the Great Pyramid.pdf194 KB11/30/2015 3:09 PM
Tradition of Aryabhatiya in Kerala.pdf250 KB11/30/2015 4:21 PM
The Influence of Astrology and Stellar Religion on Early Christianity.pdf165 KB8/5/2016 4:25 PM
The Emperor Hadrian & Astrology.pdf95 KB10/28/2015 7:55 PM
Sarasvati River and Chronology.pdf787 KB11/30/2015 3:07 PM
rishis lineage_gothras.pdf1,111 KB11/30/2015 2:43 PM
Post Vedic Astronomy_S.D. Sharma.pdf415 KB11/30/2015 2:42 PM
Origin Of Astrology.rtf26 KB10/11/2013 4:01 PM
Origin Of Astrology.pdf86 KB8/14/2018 10:44 PM
Origin and Development of Jyotisha Sastra.pdf264 KB1/15/2016 12:52 AM
medieval history.pdf131 KB8/6/2015 11:45 PM
Medieval Chartres - The Zodiac of the cathedral stained glasses .webarchive597 KB4/22/2016 2:27 PM
Krishna & the Unicorn of the Indus Seals_Mahabharata.pdf251 KB10/28/2015 7:30 PM
kalaganana.pdf278 KB11/30/2015 3:06 PM
Jyotish In Ramayana.pdf200 KB2/25/2014 9:12 PM
Introduction of Persian Astronomy into India.pdf326 KB4/20/2013 3:00 AM
Horoscopes and Public Spheres Essays on the History of Astrology.pdf9,991 KB2/1/2018 7:29 PM
History of Astrology Barbara Giles.pdf599 KB1/28/2014 11:42 PM
Graphic Ancient map of India.jpg767 KB8/29/2015 3:49 AM
Graphic Ancient map of India in 600 BC.jpg27 KB4/30/2018 9:04 PM
Graham hancock Fingerprints of the Gods.pdf5,474 KB2/24/2014 11:22 AM
Gotras of Rishis.pdf371 KB3/4/2014 5:27 PM
Dating of Rohini Sakata Bheda.pdf221 KB11/30/2015 2:59 PM
Dates of Indian astronomy Texts.pdf470 KB11/30/2015 2:55 PM
Astronomy and Astrology in India and Iran David Pingree.pdf431 KB7/28/2018 7:07 PM
Astrology history.pdf942 KB12/9/2015 1:55 AM
Astrology and the Ramayana by H R Shankar.rtf13 KB2/25/2012 12:51 AM
Astrology and the Ramayana by H R Shankar.pdf53 KB8/14/2018 10:44 PM
Archaic Astronomy of Parasara and Vriddha Garga.pdf1,135 KB4/19/2013 10:43 PM
Ancient silk road.png2,677 KB9/30/2017 4:13 AM
Ancient Astrology.pdf243 KB12/9/2015 1:49 AM
AL BIRUNI One of the greatest scientists.pdf97 KB4/19/2013 4:43 PM
About Parasara Siddhanta.pdf404 KB4/19/2013 5:00 PM
A brief history of astrology.doc17 KB5/9/2012 4:12 AM
5 year yuga of the Vedanta Jyotisa.pdf143 KB11/30/2015 2:55 PM
5 year yuga in vedanga.pdf137 KB4/19/2013 4:32 PM
19 Year Yuga of Rik Jyotish.pdf531 KB4/19/2013 4:31 PM
How many kinds of Yugas are there.rtfd9/20/2023 5:13 AM
Hindu Predictive Astrology.rtfd2/12/2022 3:00 AM