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2/12/2022 2:57 AM
Indian National Science Academy
9/20/2023 5:14 AM
obliquity of the ecliptic
2/12/2022 2:57 AM
2/12/2022 2:57 AM
Aryabhata and Albiruni M. S. Khan.pdf
389 KB
4/17/2013 3:23 PM
Aryabhata and Lokayatas heliocentric.pdf
287 KB
4/17/2013 3:14 PM
Aryabhata and the table of Sines B. N. Narahari Achar.pdf
160 KB
4/17/2013 3:17 PM
Astronomers and reasons Christopher Minkowski.pdf
137 KB
4/17/2013 3:25 PM
astronomical Concept in Vishnupurana B. N. Narahari Achar.pdf
207 KB
4/17/2013 8:41 PM
91 KB
7/20/2009 10:44 PM
110 KB
8/14/2018 10:44 PM
Astronomical definitions of grahas and the zodiac.pdf
108 KB
6/7/2016 7:17 PM
astronomy planets.doc
298 KB
9/14/2007 12:05 AM
astronomy planets.pdf
341 KB
8/14/2018 10:44 PM
Astronomy and Astrology in India and Iran.docx
216 KB
8/23/2015 5:33 PM
Astronomy and Astrology in India and Iran.pdf
154 KB
8/14/2018 10:44 PM
astronomy in India.pdf
4,429 KB
1/22/2016 10:02 PM
Astronomy or Astrology A. Losev.pdf
144 KB
3/24/2016 1:55 AM
Bernard R. Goldstein Astronomy and the Jewish Community in Early Islam.pdf
1,007 KB
4/29/2016 3:12 AM
Book 1881 Sandford Fleming The adoption of a prime meridian.pdf
3,991 KB
1/28/2017 10:49 PM
Calculation of tithis Surya Siddhanta formulation.pdf
80 KB
11/28/2015 5:39 AM
description of the universe 7 worlds Visvananda Tirtha.pdf
227 KB
8/14/2018 10:44 PM
description of the universe 7 worlds Visvananda Tirtha.rtf
123 KB
10/26/2017 6:52 PM
Distance Sun Moon.doc
61 KB
5/9/2012 4:11 AM
Distance Sun Moon.pdf
55 KB
8/14/2018 10:44 PM
Eclipse period of 3339 another view.pdf
87 KB
11/28/2015 5:42 AM
Eclipse period of 3339 in Rigveda.pdf
91 KB
4/17/2013 3:29 PM
Enigma of the 5 year Yuga of the Vendanga Jyotisha.pdf
354 KB
4/17/2013 3:32 PM
essay 2007 transmission of astronomical knowledge in the middle ages.pdf
1,350 KB
7/1/2016 5:24 PM
External influences on Ancient Indian astronomy.pdf
422 KB
4/17/2013 3:40 PM
F.A. Mesmer Cosmology and Scientific Astrology.pdf
724 KB
1/28/2017 10:53 PM
Glimpses from the Aryabhata Siddhanta.pdf
256 KB
4/17/2013 3:37 PM
Greek and Indian astronomy relation.pdf
367 KB
4/17/2013 3:42 PM
Hindu Astronomical Sciences in Mithila.pdf
335 KB
4/17/2013 3:49 PM
Kerala Temple Astrology.o.pdf
678 KB
11/29/2015 3:48 PM
Mean Motions and Longitudes in Indian Astronomy Dennis W. Duke.pdf
316 KB
2/11/2017 6:35 PM
Mystical Mathematics of Ancient planets_R. C. Gupta.pdf
669 KB
4/17/2013 8:38 PM
physical forces and differential calculus in ancient India.pdf
283 KB
11/29/2015 3:46 PM
planets perihelion to the sun and 2012.pdf
108 KB
4/17/2013 8:51 PM
Roots Of Hindu Astronomy_Iyengar.pdf
548 KB
2/1/2016 8:42 PM
Simplified Astronomy for Astrologers.pdf
246 KB
4/20/2014 11:33 PM
Simplified Astronomy for Astrologers_David Williams.pdf
289 KB
11/29/2015 5:21 AM
The Ancient Astronomers of Timbuktu.pdf
475 KB
9/2/2018 2:18 AM
the Electric Universe confirmed.webarchive
3,102 KB
8/11/2016 3:51 AM
The Electric Universe.webarchive
2,307 KB
8/11/2016 3:49 AM
The story of the indic cosmology_kosla Vepa.pdf
2,357 KB
11/29/2015 2:35 PM
Understanding Precession in Ancient India.pdf
18 KB
11/29/2015 3:43 PM
Values for the mean synodic month.pdf
86 KB
4/29/2016 12:35 AM
1,814 KB
11/29/2015 2:49 PM
Zodiacal circumference in Jain astronomy.pdf
501 KB
11/29/2015 2:58 PM