TC4S:\Trading Books\_New 04\Astrology Books\astronomy time history ayanamsa\astronomy\Articles\Sadaputa

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NameSizeDate Modified
Vedic Cosmography & Astronomy_Sadaputa.rtf49 KB10/24/2017 4:22 PM
Vedic Cosmography & Astronomy_Sadaputa.pdf104 KB8/14/2018 10:44 PM
Cosmography by Sadaputa.pdf456 KB8/14/2018 10:44 PM
Cosmography by Sadaputa.doc588 KB10/8/2017 6:56 PM
Advanced Astronomy - by Sadaputa das.pdf3,256 KB10/8/2017 6:56 PM
Astronomy and Antiquity of Vedic Culture.rtfd2/12/2022 2:58 AM