TC4S:\Trading Books\_New 04\Astrology Books\astronomy time history ayanamsa\earth geocentricity
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World Description_Visvananda Tirtha.pdf
392 KB
12/13/2016 7:00 PM
Moving the Earth_THE GEOCENTRIC VIEW.pdf
515 KB
9/2/2018 1:56 AM
Jyotish Ancient Indian Geocentric Astronomy ban.pdf
1,077 KB
11/30/2015 4:26 AM
Decoding the 5th Canto.rtf
20 KB
9/15/2013 4:44 AM
Decoding the 5th Canto.pdf
82 KB
8/14/2018 10:44 PM
Book Gallileo was wrong. Evidence for Geocentrism.pdf
6,647 KB
11/30/2015 4:34 AM
Vedic Cosmology pictures sadaputa
9/20/2023 5:14 AM
Heliocentric theory is wrong.rtfd
9/20/2023 5:14 AM
geocentricity & retro motion diagrams
9/20/2023 5:14 AM
9/20/2023 5:14 AM